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Commissioned choreographic work with (postgraduate) students
Commissioned choreographic work with (postgraduate) students
Commissioned choreographic work with (postgraduate) students

Forget - me- not
with VERVE

Love it or hate it, but there is no way around it - family. Every year anew we gather together to celebrate birthdays, funerals, weddings and Grandma’s 80s. Cheers!
Together with the dancers of Verve, Joy Alpuerto Ritter explores a potpourri of portraits of family members from all ages. What bonds us together? How do traces of our ancestors shape ourselves? How do we get along without family? What lies under the surface of a family picture?


Choreography by Joy Alpuerto Ritter

Music by Sion Trefor
Costume designer by Andrew Walker

Lighting design by Mark Baker
Creative assistants: Matteo Marfoglia, Lukas Steltner

Dancers of VERVE 2023 - postgraduate Company of Northern school of Leeds UK


with DART Dsp

Everyones eyes have a unique colored iRiS.

It’s our personal window that shapes the vision of how we see the world around us.

Nowadays we spent a great amount of the day focusing on screens. The informations we are consuming online, define our social behavior and identity. Things we see, have an impact on our internal feelings as well as our behavior and actions towards our environment.

Are we capable to resist some of these influences, so we can re-connect more eye to eye - soul to soul?

Is it possible to find a healthy balance between the hours we spend in front of a screen and a self awareness that allows growth within human interactions?

The IRIS is our filter, the connector of the world within us and the world that surrounds us. A unique generator of new possibilities for a better life with each other.


Choreography by Joy Alpuerto Ritter

Music by Lih Qun Wong

Lighting design by Joy Alpuerto Ritter

Dancers of DART DSP Berlin 2023


Oculus - an adapted version of iRiS
with b12 Dancers

Choreography by Joy Alpuerto Ritter

Music by Lih Qun Wong

Lighting design by Joy Alpuerto Ritter

Dancers of b12 participants in 2024



with Dance Students from SEAD

Choreography by Joy Alpuerto Ritter & Dancers from Salzburg Experimental Academy of Dance 2019


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